I don’t like to forget things. But, I do it ALL. THE. TIME. I’ll be in the middle of something and remember something else I forgot to do and before I can grab a sticky note and pen to write it down (so I don’t forget), I’ve already forgotten what I grabbed a pen for. WHAT THE HECK?! I didn’t used to be like this…I’m afraid my age is starting to make me insane. That or stress. Or hormones. Or all of the above…welcome to adulthood, Shara. Where you spend 99% of your time wondering if you are legit crazy, or if this is all part of the ride…
Okay, so I told you all that to tell you that I take A LOT of pictures of my house. Partially because, obviously, I like my home, but mostly because I don’t want to forget what it looked like. If you’ve been around here very long, you know that I like to change things around A LOT. Sometimes I don’t realize how much things have changed until I go back and look at the “before” pictures. That’s why I like to celebrate our “home-iversary” and take a few moments to look back at where we used to be, what we’ve done in the past, and where we are now.
So, today, I want to show you a glimpse into the last two years since Danny and I moved into our house 🙂 I’ll walk you through the whole tour and tell you EVERYTHING. Just kidding, I’ll try and be brief…we all know you’re only here for the before and after pictures, right?
You can read our whole “moving day” story at this post from last year. I won’t relive that story for you again here, so let’s just dive right into the tour, shall we?
Our front porch (or the entire exterior for that matter) hasn’t changed much in the two years since we moved in.
BUT, we plan to do a little work on the outside of the house some next year. It’s low on the priority list…we’ve focused our attention on the inside, because, well….you’ll see. But in all actuality, we never planned to do a single thing to this house. I’ve said this a million times before, but one thing lead to another and somehow the house has turned into an accidental “fixer upper” that we had never really planned on. But, I’m so glad it has and we have had SOOO much fun redoing things.
The night we moved in, our foyer/hallway looked like this:
Over time, lots of things happened here. First, was the closet redo.
Then, when we remodeled the kitchen, we laid new flooring in here.
Then, I redid the trim in here to match the kitchen trim after the remodel and painted some (look real close and you’ll see that the half round is missing on the trim…it’s in the later pictures). Danny took this picture and was like, “you never sit on that bench…why are you taking a picture like that?” Staging, Danny. It’s called staging. Get with the program. HAHAHA like I know anything about staging….
Are you tired of seeing this foyer yet? It’s been transformed in SEVERAL phases. We are almost done here then we will move on 🙂
So then I hung sliding doors. Remember these?
This is the part where I decided I hated green. So we did the whole grey thing. (PS see that unpainted half round? Told ya.)
Yeah, okay, much better. Then I changed up that closet a little (Danny was right, we never used the bench) and painted the front door. SO MANY CHANGES. But, here we are today….FINALLY.
Alright, so moving on to the kitchen. It has really only had one big transformation, so here’s a few before, during, and afters. I’ll give you one guess as to which one (before, during or after) this one is…
In case anyone is wondering, the paint color in here is called “nacho cheese.” Not kidding.
YUM, right? I found a leftover can in the basement. Good thing I read the label on the side first, because I was about to go grab the chips and me and Danny were about to have a party!
The kitchen was actually our first “real deal” remodel. It’s a long story you can read about here, but we decided to redo it shortly after we moved in and it was so enlightening. If you call vacuuming up your weight in mouse droppings and dust after demo “enlightening.” Fun stuff, you guys! You should totally try it 🙂
But, we for real did learn a TON with this remodel and it gave us (me) the courage to tackle a few more (against Danny’s will). Once it was all said and done, we had this:
And more recently, this (I need more updated pictures of it with better lighting…I know):
So that is our kitchen, now moving on to our most used room that has really never had a “huge transformation” but seems like it is always changing here and there, the living room.
This was the night we moved in:
Beige….so…..BEIGE. I feel like there are two kinds of people in the world…those who like beige and those who like gray. I’m the latter. And I felt bad because the previous owners just paid a lot of money to have this room painted, but…..we painted over it anyway…and traded the beige couch for the gray one too.
A few other changes have taken place in here like the fireplace mantle, wood shelves, and new coffee table plus we totally changed the whole layout but, now it looks like this:
Down the hallway, you’ll find my “office.” Notice the “” here. It’s basically just a room to house my laptop and craft supplies. I just like to sound fancy and say I have a “home office.” HAHA, please…
This was the original:
After a remodel that included a new desk and shelves, we had this (and I have to say I LOVE how this room turned out). I still sometimes come stand in the doorway and stare…
Backtracking a little to the foyer, let’s visit the laundry room. Danny LOVED the original (oh, Danny, WHY?!), so it was a struggle to get him to let me redo it, but he finally agreed and now he likes it better…I think. Here is before:
He liked the large storage cabinets, but I hated how all the doors here hit all the other doors when you opened them. You can check out the remodel here and here. We removed the large cabinets, but I replaced them with custom built ones.
And we replaced the back door because it wasn’t closing right anymore. And here it is now:
So, let’s see. Where have we not been yet? Oh yes, the BATHROOM. Have you all heard me go on and on and on the last few months about bathroom remodel updates? Well, good news!!! It’s finished!!! But, to get there, we first go through the bedroom. Here is the original bedroom:
One day, I will document the entire story of the bedroom…but for now, let’s skip to the current, because this tour is going on forever! AMIRIGHT?!
It’s really amazing what a fresh coat of paint, new flooring, a little rearranging, a couple nightstands, a new dresser, and new light fixtures can do. But, for real…after all that, if there wasn’t a change, then something is really wrong.
Oh, but right next to the bathroom, is the closet. Which has gone through a couple transformations…the first was good, but the second was bad. Here was the before:
But then we redid it:
But then we had to tear it back out…
And now it’s waiting on it’s next redo…but for now, it’s functional…kind of.
And now, finally, the bathroom! Here was the before:
And I know…it’s not that bad, but you can read my reasoning for the remodel here. It involves rotten subfloor. Which is so super fun to tear out….
We have spent more time hanging out in our crawl space during this whole remodel than we did sleeping…like you think I’m kidding. But I’m kind of not…
But, when it was all done, it was totally worth it.
And, with that, I’ve taken you through our home and the last two years worth of work we’ve done on it. Huh, when you condense two years worth of work to one little blog post, it kind of feels like we are slacking…I’m going to go ahead and blame that on Danny….and budgets…and full time jobs. You know…all those pesky little things.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this short tour with me. I left out a few rooms that we hope to tackle in the year(s) to come, but as we near our two year home-iversary, (which is actually Nov. 14), we are pretty proud of our home and what we have done to it so far. It’s been quite the adventure and we’ve learned quite a bit along the way. We started out as amateurs, and now we are just amateurs with experience. I don’t feel like I’ll ever be an expert haha.
So, if you’ve been around with me for the whole journey already, I appreciate your patience and your continued support. If you are just joining us, I hope you stick around. Because after two years, there is still plenty more where this came from.
Until next time, happy DIYing 🙂
I love the doors you made! Good job. I thought I could follow you and possibly do that myself not so sure kind of over my head. Really impressed with you and your skills.Oh Danny too.
Shara, Woodshop Diaries
Thank you so much! You can totally do anything that I’ve done. I’m not an expert…just learning as I go 🙂
Wow! You’ve done such an excellent job with the transformations! I’m OBSESSED with the sliding doors! I just recently seen them put in a friends house and it’s just amazing how good they look. I’ve tried to find somewhere in our house to put them but i don’t think they’re very acceptable for bedroom or bathroom doors… But, I will have those doors one day!
I’m super excited to see what you do next!
Shara, Woodshop Diaries
Thank you so much!! Stay tuned, I will have some really neat doors on the blog soon…they aren’t sliders, but I think they will be really cool 🙂 Thanks so much for following along!
Oh my goodness! That is the furthest thing from slacking I have ever seen! you have made amazing progress not only in the look of the house but in the structure too… for example rotting sub-floor. I don’t care how pretty your toilet is, when it falls through to the crawl space that’s bad.
Here’s to the next two years of well done remodeling!
Shara, Woodshop Diaries
Aww thank you! You are too sweet 🙂 And yes, by the way, toilets in crawl spaces would be terribly bad…can you imagine?! HAHA
I can’t tell you how much I admire your energy, talent, and taste. Looking forward to what happens next!
Shara, Woodshop Diaries
Thank you so much! You are so sweet! I really do appreciate you following along and I can’t wait to show you what’s to come! 🙂
A LOT of work for two years! Well done!
Shara, Woodshop Diaries
Thank you so much! It has been a lot of work, but so worth it, and we have learned SO MUCH. Thanks again 🙂
Love it! I think the sliding barn doors are my favorite. But honestly, everything you have done adds so much character and charm to your house. The kitchen is a huge improvement…bye-bye Nacho Cheese. Lol.
Shara, Woodshop Diaries
Thank you so much! If you loved the sliding barn doors, you may want to stick around and check out some doors I’ll be adding to our bedroom in the next couple weeks. They’re not sliders, but I think (hope) they will be awesome! I’m obviously excited about doing them 😉 Thanks again for your sweet comment! (And if I ever try to being back the nacho cheese, please email me and bring me back to my senses)