I am really struggling how to and when to write posts. I feel like such a slacker because I haven’t written one in over a week, but I don’t have a lot of “updates” on my projects. I haven’t finished anything lately, but I am working on several things….so for those of you who may be interested, here is what has been going on in “shara-land” this week.
I have a list of projects that are “in-process” and I cannot wait to finish them so I can post before and afters! That’s my favorite part!
Currently, I am working on two chairs for my mom. They were soaking wet and NASTY when they ended up in my hands. The poor things needed someone to show them some love. I have “demo”ed them this week and they are ready to be sanded, painted, and reupholstered. (That is, after we’ve made a few repairs to the wood. You can see in the pic, the top of one chair has broken off.) That’s next weeks project…hopefully. So look forward to some after pics!!!
I’m also working on one chair for my grandma. She’s been wanting one and I came across this BEAUTY at a yard sale over the weekend. Fifteen bucks of pure adorable and it’s even in really good condition! A new seat cover and she’s good to go. Although I will admit she’s a lot prettier to look at than to sit in. Old chairs are not the most comfortable.
My sister has two friends that have requested an order for some pallet Christmas trees. I also have an order for a pallet sign for my husband’s aunt. I got some pallets this week and started demolition. I got seven pallets apart the other night and washed most of the boards. They’re filthy when I get them so a scrub down is necessary. I now have stacks of boards and I’m ready to cut, paint, and reveal! Haha.
My husband’s aunt had an old hoosier cabinet that she offered me. Of course I took it!! It needs some TLC, but it’s a classic. The side panels were damaged and needed replaced. I spent the majority of my morning taking the cabinet apart, but I think it’s going to be well worth it. I cannot wait to put it back together, paint, and put on new hardware. Keep eyes open for this after picture. I hope it’ll be soon!
In addition to all of the above, I am trying to get enough stuff together to set up a booth to sell some items at a local store. Keep your eyes and ears open for that, too! I’ve already got a start.
For now, that’s all I got….I gotta get back to work! These things don’t make themselves ?